Tenhult is located southeast of Jönköping about 14 km, towards Nässjö. The village has 3 133 inhabitants and together with the surrounding countryside has with the surrounding area 4 625 inhabitants in 2016.
The village community is popular among families with children and 70 percent of residents live in single-family homes.
When the railroad was built through Tenhult in 1864, the new village expanded with the railwaystation as the central point. From being a small peasant village, it became a trading and industrial center as it is also now. Business and small industries were established. There is fairly good bus and train connection with central Jönköping. The railway line runs between Nässjö and Falköping.
As that the war between Sweden and Denmark in 1612 also hit Tenhult.
Gustav II Adolf's forest manager Mickel Jönsson and 500 farmers fought the Danish army heading for Jönköping and was very victorious. In 1897 a memory monument over the battle was raised at the train station in Tenhult.
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